Indianapolis Concrete Lifting and Leveling Services
Why choose
Indianapolis Concrete Lifting?
An uneven floor is a hazard for friends, customers, tenants, and employees. Responsible owners should comply with The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 regulating that flooring must be within 1/4″ of level. Anything greater is a possible lawsuit. Lifting settled concrete is commonly referred to as mudjacking or slabjacking. Although similar in cost, specialized grout and chemical grout injections make our service superior to the competitors.
If your concrete is sinking there is a very good possibility that the concrete slab was installed on poorly compacted fill dirt. Sub-surface erosion and shrinking soils are also possible culprits. Procrastinating to fix these problems results in further deterioration. Eventually the problem becomes unfixable.
Advantages to Lifting Settled Concrete
- SAVINGS – 50% to 70% less than the replacement cost
- ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – Repair sunken concrete rather removing and replacing concrete which will fill landfills with heavy, awkward old concrete and depletes our natural resources when making new concrete.
- INCREASED SAFETY – Uneven concrete pavement is hazardous and increases the possibility of dangerous falls and expensive lawsuits.
- CONVENIENCE – There is no need to remove existing garages, fences, or other structures located ON the broken/sunken slab. Floor is useable that day!
- SPEED – Most jobs are completed in one day, and can be used the same day.
- MINIMAL ENVIRONMENT DISRUPTION – There is no need for heavy demolition equipment so there is minimal sound pollution, street congestion, and landscape disruption.
- AESTHETICS – New concrete is much whiter and will not match the existing concrete
Before and After